On this day of August 15, starting now at 8:59 am, I am taking dictation from Bryan, based on a question and answer scenario.
Question: Where have you been?
Answer: Very good question LOL. I have been busy, working with the Spiritual Council, making overwhelming changes in the matrix to set us all free from the cloak and dagger of the dark side. In the last weeks, if I did not make certain changes, I would not be alive today and the world would, 100%, be looking at World War III. The last two-and-a-half years, I have stopped working on all my inventions, as the work I have been doing recently was more important. So yes, I have experienced enormous loss of income because I did not pursue trying to commercialize my patents, except for the BioClair Digestive Enzymes, which I started before Covid. And I thank all of you that buy the product and believe in the product. You are very smart. Why? Because I know that is the #1 anti-aging product in the world to take. And those of you who have a pendulum: verify this truth with your pendulum. If I’m not speaking the truth: leave a message at my office number, (905) 770-9200.
So, to answer your question, I’ve been here, working hard LOL.
Question: Why are you not doing radio shows?
Answer: Through the years, I normally take the summer off and we usually resume after September 15. And so, we are going to keep that status quo and resume our radio shows after the 15th. But to answer the question, I have not been doing radio shows to protect the world. In the past when I would do a radio show, and I would discern that something would take place, then the dark side would change the matrix software programming to go against my spoken word. Not only that, they had the ability to stop me from being really successful, on all fronts. This is now coming to an end. I have worked so hard to get to this position, beyond human understanding. And we have been able to defeat them.
Question: This is great news!
Answer: But it’s not over until the fat lady sings. And tomorrow morning, I’m going to the opera. And I know that will be the best opera I will ever go to.
Question: Do you ever have fear of the future?
Answer: Those with the pendulum, verify: I do not have fear of the future. However, I do have fear of God and respect for God. And because of my very strong relationship with God/Christ… And please, don’t get confused with religion. The God and Christ that I embrace is a lot more loving than what religion embraces. And those who have the pendulum: you can verify this too. And those with the pendulum: verify that I have been given a very powerful gift by the Spiritual Council of the Light, subject to the approval of the Spiritual Council each time, that what I say for or against something will come true in this incarnation. It’s a very powerful gift and it’s a no-nonsense gift. This is to facilitate Operation CUP (which stands for, “Clean Up Planet”). Those with the pendulum: verify that Operation CUP is in full swing.
Question: We were speaking about this in the spirit realm.
Answer: Yes, we were.
Question: And you need those who come to Clarity Radio’s website to do something.
Answer: Yes, I do.
Question: What do you want your loyal listeners to do?
Answer: To continue to support our work. And some of you can give much more. And others, you have already given a lot. And we are grateful. And the ones that have really given a lot: you will be blessed much more. But that is not the reason why you give. But you will be blessed more. And once again, thank you.
Okay, to answer the question, we are going to provide significant information in a very long article next week Friday. We will provide, for the first time, profound information that you need to know about the matrix. This information should be taught in all institutions, in all schools, in all governments. And your children should be taught this truth. It’s very important that everyone adheres to this. In the spirit realm, everybody on this planet reports to me. If you have a pendulum: verify that. This is not a joke.
Question: So what is it you want your loyal listeners to do?
Answer: Well, it’s not just our loyal listeners. We need everybody to do this. We need everyone to notify ten people, and let ten people read this message, and let ten people know of an important message that will be posted next week Friday. And this message that is posted next week Friday will be a message whereby I will be supported and protected by the full weight of the Spiritual Council of the Light. No, I don’t have any fear. I only have love for all and desire to see this world change very quickly. And that people who are busy trying to destroy this planet and destroy civilization are subject to the new software program of the matrix. And the software program of the matrix says, “You get the ten people.” In many cases, God will show mercy on you. Because in most cases, it is not your fault for whatever you did in this incarnation to harm another. And God knows that. And I know that. I have access to everyone’s records. I can discern every human being on this planet. And if you want to make me laugh: tell me that I can’t discern you.
Question: Why is this so important?
Answer: This is important because we are starting a new era. And you need to know the rules of engagement.
Question: What do you mean?
Answer: For the past approximate 1,000 years, the dark side has been in charge of much of everything. It’s been a real disappointment for me to know this. Particularly the last 26 years, I have been fighting individuals that are extremely dark and evil, pretending to be my friend… while pretending to be my friend, trying to pass their karmic debt over to me, my loved ones and my clients… and over half of the human population. This has been a real piss ass experience, for I have witnessed many people get harmed and it was not their spiritual debt to get harmed. In many cases, it has brought great sadness to me. At times, I thought I would just give up. But the Father said, “Keep going.” I even had an out-of-body experience. I crossed over and the Father said, “Go back.” I didn’t want to come back here because the other side was so beautiful. So now, I’m asked to help clean up this mess on this planet, knowing that truth does not exist on this planet. It’s nowhere to be found on this planet. It’s a real dog’s breakfast here. But however, the only truth that will come on this planet is through me. That’s my responsibility. Again, get your pendulum out and verify that this is true.
Question: What happens if someone does not let ten people know about this message?
Answer: I would prefer to say, “No comment.” But I will answer the question. I am not afraid to answer the question. God will not show them any mercy in this incarnation and the next one. Everyone just simply needs to read between the lines. It doesn’t need to be spelled out. And besides, it should be very easy for everyone to do this because no one will be persecuted for doing this. The dark side cannot persecute anybody for doing this. However, if those on the dark side decide to try to prove me wrong and they persecute others, they will face severe consequences from the spirit realm. And those who have a pendulum: verify this. The light is no longer to sit down and be slaughtered. These days are over, meaning we are not to take suffering from the dark sitting down.
Question: Wow… What else do you have to say?
Answer: In closing, I say for everyone: make sure you denounce “Eye for eye” and you denounce forgiving anyone. Do not be foolish. And all teachers of God: you must never speak against this message or never speak against me. Those with the pendulum: verify this. And those teachers of God that have the true gift of discernment from the light: verify this. And let all of your flock know this truth. And let all of the shepherds know this truth. I am prepared to speak in front of all of you. I have no fear. And I will speak in front of you with no notes. And I will not prepare for this, as God will give me what I am to say. Be wise. Don’t be stupid. Like I have said, I’m not going to be politically correct.
Everyone and anyone that gets offended with this message is prejudiced against truth. In every case where someone is offended, they are always prejudiced against the subject matter of which they are offended. Those who protest and bring violence to the world: if they were not prejudiced, they would not protest. And those who protest worldwide, the matrix software program will not be kind to them.
Question: What last words do you have to say?
Answer: The Spiritual Council of the Light is giving the world six months… no more than six months… to end all war between Russia and Ukraine. After that, the matrix software program will take over and do what is necessary to stop the war. Those world leaders who make a serious effort for world peace will be blessed more. Those world leaders who do not, oh well… That’s it. And let’s see what happens. And please tell ten people about the message on August 25 that is to be posted.
Question: Oh, you have more to say?
Answer: Yes.
Question: What is it that you want to say?
Answer: What I need to get out to all is as follows. If you come to this website and you have a major following through social media, through radio broadcasts, through TV broadcasts: you must let everyone know about this message. This is not a situation where we are asking you to do this. It goes beyond that. It’s basically saying that there are consequences if you don’t do it. This is how important this exercise is. And it’s not about me punishing anyone; it’s about the matrix software program punishing those who don’t take this message seriously and yet, they have the capability of getting this message out. This is not a threat. It is just a “just is” message. And if I did not get this message to you… and if I did not get this entire message to you… I would be punished, to the point where I would lose my spiritual gift and then some. So like I said, I fear God and it would be wise for you to fear God too. On that note, good luck!
The above is not a threat; it is simply the current matrix software program. We are all subject to the current matrix software program. This message is there to help you; it is not there to harm you.
PS Please don’t do massive emails to governments worldwide. If you really want to helps us, mail this message to them.
And PS World Leaders: your mandate, starting right now, is to stop funding the Ukraine-Russian war and start making peace.
Another PS It’s also very important that no one takes any action on any level, to stop this message from getting out.
Time complete: August 15, 10:35am.