Bryan: Okay, we are back. And Part 1 of this article, for many, will be difficult to grasp.
Question: How do you mean?
Answer: What I mean by this statement is that the 13-member dark council programmed most people on this planet not to accept truth and not to speak truth. It was a hard-line software program for most of us forced to follow. And if one went against this software program, they would be punished by this 13-member dark council. This 13-member dark council was working through 500 stars/individuals to carry out their mandate of punishment. In addition to the 500, there were an additional 11 million stars/individuals working with the dark council. And the 11 million stars/individuals were in positions of power, of influence to ensure that the dark council’s agenda would be achieved.
Now, until recently, the primary agenda of the dark council was to bring World War III forward. Now, I can’t explain in detail the following statement… and I’m not prepared to do so… but the 11 million stars/individuals have all been shut down. And what has transpired is that they all will receive their bad karma. They will not be able to pass their bad karma to others. This is a big moment for victory. Unless you spend every second with me, you will not know how important this is. But I’m not able to elaborate on this topic any further.
Question: Are we now free from World War III?
Answer: For the most part, yes. At this moment, there are 11 million stars/individuals that work for the Spiritual Council of the Light. I am a high level Spiritual Council Member of the Light, here in human physicality. We have many mandates, one of which is to prevent World War III from taking place. We have, worldwide, people in key positions where they have a mandatory mandate… failure is not an option… and being a coward is not an option. They must help facilitate peace worldwide and help prevent World War III. Anyone who works for me through the spirit realm: failure is not an option and to be a coward is not an option. Like I said earlier, I’m not going to be politically correct with anybody.
Comment: Wow.
Answer: Yes, the stakes are very high. The dark council succeeded in starting World War I and World War II. You can do it to us once. You can do it to us twice. But you’re not going to do it to us three times.
Question: Bryan, here’s my question... Why is it only now we are getting this information?
Answer: Very simple to answer. I don’t need to speak 16-letter word/languages and confuse the shit out of everybody, as modern science and modern medicine does. Modern science and modern medicine should be simple to understand; they aren’t that complicated. For example, if you take 5,000 medical doctors who have been practising medicine for ten years, and they were asked to write the medical test that they did when they were in university, half of them would fail the test… I’m saying, give them the test, without them having any sort of prior notice and they have not studied for the test: half of them would fail the test. Why? Because the passing of the test is based on their good short-term memory. It’s not based on their technical skills to be able to treat patients effectively, consistently.
The truth is… And I have discerned this many times. You take a high school student and have them shadow a doctor for ten years: that will be more worthwhile and beneficial than someone going to med school for seven to ten years. And those of you who have a pendulum and the light is working through you: verify that this is true. This holds true for most professions.
Comment: You still haven’t answered the question.
Answer: Yes, you are right again LOL. The dark has lost control of the matrix. When they did have control, they had the ability to program the matrix to make it difficult for truth to get out. They no longer can do this, at a sustainable rate. And that’s it, in a nutshell. For 1,000 years, those of us who are good people of the light have been held hostage. And there are many individuals that are dark and should not be dark, because they too have been forced to switch seats with the dark. And the dark that they switched seats with takes the seat of the light away from them. This situation, when this occurs, is very disappointing. So, I’ve answered your question in a roundabout way. But there’s much more to the answer which I am not able to reveal. So, I say, let’s change the course of this article.
Question: What do you want to talk about now?
Answer: I want to talk about what the star reveals to me, the different possibilities, the different scenarios, when I am discerning someone’s star.
Comment: Okay, let’s go.
Answer: Okay, let’s take a look at a general discernment I would do privately on someone’s star. This individual would not be in front of me. And I would always get permission from the Council to do this. In fact, permission is given to me on a carte blanche basis, as I have power of attorney over every human being. I am laughing inside my head right now.
Question: What are you laughing about?
Answer: I think about the 26 years plus I have had my gift and I have had my same phone number. And many people confuse me as a psychic, as a fortune-teller. And they don’t realize, when they do this, they make it easy for me to work less. Because when they call me a psychic and/or fortune-teller, they are on the dark side, in every case. So, that’s my signal to walk away from them. But I’m laughing because they think that I don’t know that they’re on the dark side. Anyhow, let’s get on with it.
Question: Do you want to take a rest now?
Answer: Yes, let’s take ten minutes…
Question: But before we come back, can you answer the question: why don’t people believe in or accept past lives?
Answer: Okay, that’s a good question. We’ll deal with that when we come back.
* * * * *
Bryan: Okay, we’re back. That was a short ten minutes LOL.
Comment: Yes, it was.
Answer: So, here we go. I’m going to give it to everyone between the eyes. There are many reasons why people do not accept the ideology of past lives. But in most cases, without their conscious awareness, they don’t understand why they don’t accept past lives, other than being told by a minister that this is not true, that people who promote this are charlatans. And the minister, not being aware of what they are doing, in fact becomes the charlatan. It’s a concept of one finger pointing at me and three fingers pointing back at them. But they would not put 5,000 ministers in front of me to discuss various quotes/interpretation of scripture. When they are confronted with issues that are based on them not speaking the truth, they get very angry and they attack one’s character. And this is the standard modus operandi.
Question: Are you saying that they don’t understand what they are doing?
Answer: Yes and no. But mostly no. They are influenced by their own star or other stars… other dark stars that feed them false information and even make them believe that they are communicating with the Christ/God of the Light. In many cases, they are not. If someone is truly communicating with the Christ/God of the Light, they would be able to discern that everything in this article is 100% true. And if they can’t do that, in most cases, without their awareness, they are working for the dark side.
Okay, enough is enough on this topic. This one makes me feel uncomfortable every time I come near the discussion of trying to understand ministers and their true relationship with the Christ/God.
But here, let me tell you this. We are not to judge, criticize or condemn anyone. In truth, we are simply actors on the stage. We’ve all been given our lines to read. So how can I be upset with a minister that is only reading his lines? That would be very unfair of me, of anyone to do this to them, and vice versa.
Question: What do you mean, we’re actors on the stage? Come on, Bryan.
Answer: Well, for example, you’re playing a good role as an actor on stage by saying, “Come on, Bryan.” You got a really good line there LOL.
Question: Well, I just need to get clarification. And by the way, do you not get intimidated by anybody?
Answer: Okay, I’m going to answer the question on what I mean by, “actors on the stage,” keeping in mind that I was also Shakespeare in another incarnation. And the second part of your question, “Do I get intimidated?” Here, for all you pendulum readers: if you ask the question, am I intimidated by any human being, the answer is no. No one can intimidate me. It doesn’t matter how powerful they are. No one. Use your pendulum and verify this. And now, verify that every human being on this planet is intimidated by me. Everyone. And not putting these two individuals on the spot… Verify with your pendulum that the President of the United States, Joe Biden… who I like a lot… is intimidated by me and so is the current Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. They are intimidated by me.
Question: Why do you think that is the case, that the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada are intimidated by you?
Answer: It’s very simple. When they both sit in front of me, I know everything about them. There are no secrets. They cannot keep a secret from me. And they don’t need to sit in front of me for me to know the secrets. And quite frankly, I don’t give a rat’s ass about the secrets. I don’t care about it. Unless they ask to discuss the secret, that’s between themselves and God. But they think, like most people, once I learn their secrets, I would reveal it to others. I’m not interested in that. My interest, when it comes to the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada, is to help both of them, not bring them down. On my watch, with my powerful gift, no one in the United States and no one in Canada will bring down both these countries. Why do I say this very strongly? Because this is one of the mandates of the Spiritual Council of the Light for me to protect both offices. That’s it, in a nutshell. And through the years, both the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada are aware of who I am, i.e. the former driver for the President of the United States, who is retired and was also a former police officer… we have been friends for more than 20 years. And he has had many conversations about me with the President of the United States.
And one of my mandates that is required in this incarnation is to help the United States’ government complete the last 20% of its cold fusion project. When I was Albert Einstein, I worked with the United States’ government in the development of the nuclear bomb. So, yes, it is true that my efforts, at that time, saved the United States of America. And I now realize that I’m likely going to help save the United States of America by developing the correct and authoritative cold fusion technology. And when and if I do work with the government of the United States, with everyone I meet… including the President of the United States, Chief of Staff, everyone… I will have a no-nonsense attitude. I will not put up with any crap from anybody. On that note, I am looking forward to working with the United States. They can call me.
Question: Wow. Bryan, are you not afraid?
Answer: The only thing I am afraid of, once again, is God. And I have discerned that I must help the United States of America.
Question: What about Canada? Are you not going to help Canadians with cold fusion?
Answer: Good question. And I have discerned, just this minute, my star… my authentic star… has memory of me only helping the United States of America with technology in another universe. It does not have memory of me helping Canada with technology. So, that means I’m more likely going to work with the United States of America because there are many individuals in the United States' government that I have had past lives with. And their soul knows me well and my soul knows them well. And oh, I just remembered, when I was Albert Einstein, one of the main reasons why I’m not intimidated with the US government is because of my past lives. We always got along famously. So, I have no reason to fear them; they are my friends. That’s why.
Question: Why did you want so many people to know about this truth, being today is August 25, 2023?
Answer: Most people today are fed up with religion because, in most cases, religion has led most of us astray. And it’s not the fault of the teachers and preachers. It’s simply because the last 1,000 years, certain individuals of the dark side reprogrammed this whole planet, how we are to think. And that is now coming to an end. It’s been tough on all of us. It has not been easy.
It is the spiritual council of the dark that has caused, that has triggered the war between Russia and Ukraine. If we were not under their influence, that war would not have taken place. And when it comes to the Spiritual Council of the Light, we have taken a very aggressive, no-nonsense approach to them. And as I’ve said, failure from the light side is not an option. People need to understand: by accepting and learning about the fundamental reasons why everything happens, this is the only way that we can bring balance to this planet. There is no other way. And nuclear war is simply feeding into the dark council. And keep in mind, they are only actors on the stage, but have been extremely dangerous actors.
Question: Hey Bryan, can I ask you a question?
Answer: Why stop now LOL?
Question: Here’s my question… Are you going to get a chance to watch the Oppenheimer movie?
Answer: I think one day I will watch the movie. But three hours is a very long time for me to spend. And what I will do is have certain people go and watch the movie for me and I will get their feedback. That’s how I typically do it. But I know it’s a great movie. And people are saying to me that I, when I was Albert Einstein, that I saved the day. Indirectly that may be true, but it’s truly the Christ/God that works through me today and worked through me when I was Albert Einstein. It is that, not me, that truly saved the day.
Question: When you were Albert Einstein, did you have the gift to discern?
Answer: Yes, of course. That was my difficulty that I experienced, particularly attending universities in Germany when I was Albert Einstein. I intimidated many of the professors back then, as I would challenge what they were teaching, only for them to reluctantly surrender to my discernments. And when I was a university student, back in that other incarnation, I would bow my head down to avoid anyone witnessing my facial expressions each time I would discern. And I was afraid of letting people know about my gift. But today, I’m not afraid. I’m coming out and I plan to come out big time. And I’m not putting up with any nonsense from those who want to try to block me from achieving what needs to be done to help so many. I will not allow one person to get in my way. And like I said, I’m coming out.
Even today, the jealousy of Albert Einstein in and around many universities in the world by many professors is profound. It really is profound. So many still trying to prove that I’m not correct. Really profound. But yet, it really isn’t profound. As the answer is very simple. It always goes back to the same answer: we are simply actors on the stage. Once we overcome this, we become less judgmental. It is what it is.
Question: I need to ask you this question. Why is it you don’t like to wear socks?
Answer: Now that’s a really interesting question. I’m going to answer the question briefly. But it’s true, I really do not like to wear socks. But before I answer the question, let me tell you a little story. In fact, two stories. Once upon a time, in this incarnation, I was invited to two functions. The first function was to attend a very private gathering of powerful and influential people at a major law firm, escorted by my good buddy, a government lobbyist. I chatted with many powerful lawyers and with the Health Minister of Ontario at that time. And the second event, I attended in Ottawa at the federal government buildings in a private room, having dinner with powerful Members of Parliament. Now, in both cases, I got dressed up… which I really, really felt uncomfortable… and I wore socks. And in both cases, when I left the buildings to go to my car, or rather to the government lobbyist’s car, I took my socks off right away. And the answer comes from the fact, without giving much details… I’m not allowed to give much details. There is a certain energy that flows throughout my body and when I wear socks, it compromises this flow of energy. And that’s the answer. If you’ve got a pendulum: verify this. And there you go. Very few people ever were aware of this truth.
Question: I’ve got one more question I need to ask you. Is it true that we all came from another planet before we all came into this matrix on Planet Earth?
Answer: Yes, it is true. People would be shocked by this answer I’m going to give now. But in another universe, almost all of us came from Mars, where we had 100% free will. And it is on Mars where we created our spiritual debts that caused us to end up in the matrix on Planet Earth. Now you understand, for the first time, why we are so eager to land on Mars, not knowing that we actually came from Mars. And that’s it!
Question: Are you going to do any more articles?
Answer: Yes, if I get permission, next week Friday, I plan to shock the world with why we really do get sick, in detail. And believe you me, many in science and medicine will be shocked… not to mention all my friends in academia. And if anyone would like to invite me to do a lecture, call me and leave a message. And make sure you are prepared to look after me. Pay me and put me up in a good hotel/accommodations, feed me well and look after all my expenses. By the way, I am expensive… Keeping in mind, I can only be invited by someone who has a life script to do so. Remember: we are all actors on the stage. We are all reading our lines.
I would like to close by saying I love all mankind. For those who have the Christ pendulum: discern that I am not prejudiced against anyone. Those who are prejudiced have an independent spirit on them that makes them prejudiced. I do not have that.
Okay, look for us next week. And to build good karma: send this article to as many people of influence. Thank you.
Those of you who have funded us in the past: thank you. And those who wish to fund us: call our office and leave a message. As the Big Boss Upstairs say, “Ask and you shall receive.”
I would like to thank those of you who have been mailing last week’s article to powerful and influential people around the world. Please mail this article to the same people. And if you can think of any other new people: please send it to them.
Those who embrace this message will be blessed by the Spiritual Council of the Light. Those who do not, OH WELL…