As all of you are aware by reading my prior articles, we are all in the matrix here. And we are so, so confused. And we are so lost. Even though we think we are not lost: we are lost. And many of us are insane. And you don’t realize you are insane.
And when we speak of insanity, there is not one person that is chronically insane. That person does not exist on this planet. But yet, many in psychiatry would say I’m full of crap, full of nonsense.
And so, when we take a look at insanity, the person who is deemed to be insane is usually insane for maybe one person or more than one person… but they are not generally insane. They are specifically insane to have revenge against another human being. This is very important that we all understand this. And insanity is not just about acting out on revenge against another; it also can be what we need to experience at that time to go through our own personal bad karma.
So, for example, a person who is supposed to go through a bad karma car accident, and is supposed to run a red light in order to facilitate their bad karma, or someone else’s bad karma: at the time, you run the red light, you’re likely going to be insane. And right after the accident, you probably will not remember what happened. So how is this possible, for one to be discriminately insane?
So, we need to understand: how is it possible for someone to be insane? And it goes back to age 8 when we receive all these extra souls, including our own soul, to facilitate our life experience in this matrix. So insanity, in every case, is another soul taking you over. It is that simple.
So your 1,000 page psychiatry textbook on insanity: you can put that underneath the couch on the spot that’s missing the leg and you can use that textbook to support the couch. Because the real issue behind insanity is not that complicated. When we try to understand how is it possible that the human brain can make us insane, we are busy trying to understand the activity of dopamine, serotonin, different neurotransmitters, and general neuron brain activity, and trying to understand if there was any sort of physical injury to the person that is causing the person to act as though they are insane, and being very frustrated because psychiatry can never really figure out why the person is insane.
And the answer always becomes the flavour of the week. Whatever the best possible answer is for why the person is insane, which in most cases is not correct… but appears to be correct among colleagues… that becomes the flavour of the week. Meanwhile, the extra soul in the person is saying, in a different dimension, to the psychiatrist/the team, “You bunch of dummies; you’re not going to figure me out. And if you give him any sort of pharmaceutical drug, I’m going to make his condition worse.” And the worst could be having the insane patient kill someone or kill himself/herself.
I would love to go in front of 5,000 psychiatrists, psychologists and have ten patients with different mental issues go on stage and the psychiatrist for that patient reads out their diagnosis to everyone. Then after they have done that, I go in front of the 5,000 psychiatrists/psychologists and I tell them all what’s really going on. We need something like this to take place to shake the foundation. And we must not be afraid. But keep in mind: we’re all actors on the stage and we’re only reading our lines. Just like I’m an actor…
And yes, I was Shakespeare in another lifetime. I was also Rudolf Steiner in another lifetime. And I was also Nostradamus in another lifetime. Not to mention that I was Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Nikola Tesla, and Leonardo Da Vinci. And these were human experiences I had in other universes… Now, you understand why I love the United States so much; I was a founding father of the Declaration of Independence. And back then, I used my gift of discernment to have that document written. I am always, on some level, helping the United States of America, in a big way… big enough to be in the history books. Those who have pendulums: verify that this is all true.
I remember one of my clients was in shock when I said who I was in my past lives, where I told them on this particular day that I was Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla. And the thing with this matrix is that it could be very easy for me to switch out lives where I come back as Nikola Tesla and somebody else comes back as Albert Einstein. And I know who that person is who shares those lives with me, but I will not reveal his name. I’ve had so many unique, wonderful past lives… great lives… and each life, I know I never fear death. Because I know I’m coming back into another lifetime to do something great and wonderful again.
And unfortunately, I have a nemesis. His role is to try to destroy me, even kill me. And I understand this all. And as I become more into the spotlight, I will be less available to the general public for my own safety. And that has been the way, in all my other incarnations.
What I do know, through the access of my own soul… I can discern myself very, very well… and it has the memory of all these different past lives in it, including those that I have not mentioned to you who I was. And one being James, brother of Christ, St Francis of Assisi, Socrates, Sir Isaac Newton, Plato, King Solomon… Again, my pendulum group: please verify that I was all these people in a past life. So you can see all the different individuals I’ve been. My soul is very powerful. It’s a no-nonsense soul and I have a no-nonsense star.
With your pendulum also verify that it is the soul of Christ who was actually crucified that is in my body. And now you understand further why I know so much. Years ago, I did a sermon in a Catholic Church in Scarborough, Ontario. And I remember it was a beautiful, beautiful experience. The people were lovely. And I was just, at that time, trying to understand my gift. And I didn’t have a great deal of knowledge about human souls. But that night, the Christ was in my physical body very strong. And when I came down off the podium, I walked into the room where they were serving biscuits, tea, and coffee. And five women… they appeared to be nuns… they were all crying, I remember. And they just wanted to touch my clothing and I said, “Wow, what was that all about?” And I didn’t really understand what was going on, but the five of them knew who was working through me. They knew.
I just want to say that I don’t allow all of this to get to my head. I just love helping people. And I said to the Father that I will go through whatever I need to go through and to always give me the right words to say at the right time. So don’t be afraid of me. Love me, as I will love you.
Comment: Bryan, in Part 1, you didn’t answer the question, “Why don’t the scientists believe we have a soul?”
Bryan: Okay so, allow me to answer the question. In almost all cases, the scientists lost their soul on Mars by bringing forward a science that harmed so many people. So, they came into this incarnation, into the matrix, with no soul of their own. Instead, they were given a soul… a separate soul… to go through sowing and reaping, to go through their bad karma.
All those scientists that don’t have their own soul in this matrix: they never achieve any high standard with all the years that they have put into whatever they are working on. That is their karma. The soul is important to be connected to the truth in the universe and they are not connected to truth. Unfortunately, the scientists that have no soul and they have some claim to fame: in most cases, they stole their soul from someone else.
Question: Is there anything that you regret, in reference to dealing with scientists?
Bryan: Not that I regret… I was disappointed. But keeping in mind that we are actors on the stage… And it’s only now that I understand the issue.
Question: What are you talking about Bryan?
Bryan: I wanted to be on stage with Stephen Hawking at Cambridge to be able to discern all his theories in front of everybody. We sent several letters to Stephen Hawking, asking for him to consider going on stage with me. We made sure his secretary got those letters. They were hand delivered to the secretary. We even had a letter hand-delivered to Prince Charles, now King Charles. And we don’t know what happened with the letter that was given to King Charles. I am hoping one day he will answer that question publicly.
But what I realize now, discerning Stephen Hawking: he did not have his own soul, which makes sense, supporting the whole idea of why he went through such a debilitating disease. Oh well… I would have loved to visit Cambridge. I love hardwood floors throughout.
By the way, I have great love for Canada, not just the United States. And I have great love for all.
Thank you,